Pulling up stakes and finding a new place to call home isn’t always easy, especially when you’re downsizing. Whether the kids have moved out, your finances have changed, or you’re buying a smaller space for some other reason, the process is bound to be an adjustment. The good news is, your transition doesn’t have to be a painful one. With the right preparations, deciding to live smaller can result in a smooth move to a home you love—and an exciting new chapter in your life.

If you’re ready to start the downsizing process, here are five tips for doing it right…

1) Get mentally prepared

Getting used to the idea of occupying less space can take some time. It means saying goodbye to a home that may be full of memories, letting go of some of your possessions, and wrapping your head around a few lifestyle changes. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to think these changes through.

It’s okay if not all of your feelings about the move are positive, but you should try to remember that there’s usually a pro for every con. When it comes to downsizing, the upsides can include everything from a lower-maintenance lifestyle to a less cluttered space. Embrace these changes, and you just might discover a simpler, less stressful life!

2) Declutter thoroughly

As you prepare mentally for your move, you should start the process of paring down your possessions. We know this can be a difficult step, but most downsizers wind up feeling lighter once they’re done. The key is beginning early, since decluttering tends to take more time than we think.

Getting rid of duplicate items is a great first step. If you have two espresso makers or one too many clothing racks, now is the time to consider donating these extras. Next, think about which belongings you haven’t used in the past year. For each one, ask yourself, “would I miss this if it were gone?” The items that you can envision in your new space can go in the “keep” pile, and the rest can be stored or donated.

3) Measure carefully

We’ve found that one of the most common challenges for downsizers is fitting their furniture and appliances into a smaller space. Luckily, you can take the guesswork out of the process by measuring everything ahead of time.

Start with the larger items you want to take with you. From your couches to your fridge, jot down the height, width, and depth of each item. Next, measure the dimensions for each of the rooms in your new home. Once you have all of this information, you can scale it down and create a visual layout on paper. Don’t forget about the passages you’ll have to move your furniture through, such as staircases, doors, and narrow hallways!

4) Create storage

In addition to ditching unnecessary clutter, you can free up some room in your new, smaller space by focusing on storage. We’re big believers in making sure everything you own has a home! From containers for the papers in your office to closet organizers for your shoes and clothing, creating a designated spot for all of your belongings will help you fight the urge to accumulate more.

We also suggest getting creative with compact pieces of furniture (like a Murphy bed for guests) and making the most of your walls. Floating shelves and hooks will allow you the maximize the space you have by providing storage for books, knick knacks, cooking ware, and other items—without sacrificing aesthetic appeal.

5) Find an expert

Above all, you’ll want to make the most of outside expertise. For even the most organized among us, downsizing can be pretty overwhelming. The good news is, a real estate agent who’s helped people navigate the process many times before can help. From finding the perfect smaller space to taking care of closing details, a professional with the right experience can focus on making the process smooth at every step.

The bottom line? Downsizing shouldn’t be about just making do. While there may be some challenges involved, doing it right should result in a home (and a lifestyle) you love. Are you ready to discover the benefits of living smaller?

Interested in learning more about downsizing? If you’re thinking about making the move, get in touch to learn how we can help you through the process!

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